A new theory of energy, what is this?

My findings of a fundamental positive-negative nature of energy lead to the stunning conclusion that physics has been missing a complementary piece of our physical universe. Negative energy is a physical reality and it acts as an effective property of space. The fundamental dual-energy mechanism can already be identified in gravity. The new dual-energy physics solve problems in current cosmology across an unprecedented range of seemingly independent issues. They naturally explain the fundamental ‘mysteries’ of expansion and origin of the universe as a complement to known laws of physics. The repulsive gravitational force that drives expansion already follows from Newton’s law of universal gravitation when one of the masses considered turns negative. The origin of energy from ‘nothing’ in a ‘not quite so big bang’ along with negative energy actually follows a universal law of conservation of energy, think about the term 0 = -1 +1. My findings confirm a ‘beautiful’ higher order of symmetry in the evolution of our universe that extends to its origin. The ability of the new theory to directly explain key cosmological features is in stark contrast with current ‘single-energy’ theory.  Current ‘single-energy’ theory relies on a wide range of added fixes in math (cosmological constant), theory (inflation), the assumed presence of an unknown form of invisible dust (dark matter), and the presence of a hypothetical type of positive ‘dark’ energy with negative pressure and it requires further unexplained initial chance events. Current theory leads to fundamental contradictions with known laws of physics from a singularity that should never expand to the lack of definable direction in its kinetic model of expansion which can no longer be ignored.