I have identified the evidence for the Dual-Energy principle from energy in gravity and its fundamental cosmological relevance in 2019. My findings have been available online and I have communicated them selectively in the science community since 09-2019. While my peer reviewed publication based on an evolved version is outstanding I suggest to consider the following for proper credit and reference: Ralph B. Hill (11-08-2020), Fundamental Positive-Negative Nature of Energy Sweepingly Addresses Current Problems in Cosmology, viXra:2011.0058, and my initial paper: Ralph B. Hill (09-24-2019), Negative Energy from Gravity (NEG), Concept, Proof and Sweeping Implications for Cosmology and Theoretical Physics, Introduction of Dual Energy Cosmological Model (DEC) and New Dual Energy Physics, viXra:1909.0542. I have reported on new observational evidence that confirms the prediction from Dual-Energy theory of an older age of the universe in Ralph B. Hill (03-19-2021), New Observational Evidence Confirms Prediction from Dual-Energy Theory of Older Age of the Universe, Disproof of Lambda-CDM Model, viXra:2103.0129. This paper also demonstrates disproof of the standard Lambda-CDM model from the unexplained maturity of high-redshift galaxy ALESS 073.1. The paper addresses the context of why the age determination under the standard model is invalid. It also provides an introduction into Dual-Energy cosmology in the context of the the current discussion about a crisis in cosmology.